(from linguisystems)
3 - 6 Months
- Smiles spontaneously to human contact
- Smiles when playing alone
- Smiles at faces of several family members
- Stops crying when spoken to
- Shows different responses to different family members
6 - 9 Months
- Responds to "Come here"
- Becomes more outgoing with familiar people
- Shows anxiety when separated from favorite caregiver
- Likes to be with specific people
9 - 12 months
- Reacts others' moods
- Is fearful of strangers
- Can tolerate momentary loss of contact with caregiver in unfamiliar places
- Shows off to get attention
12 - 18 months
- Has an expressive vocabulary of between 5 - 20 words
- Is aware of the value of communication
- Follows simple directions, especially with gesture
- Practices intonation, sometimes imitating an adult
- Uses mostly nouns with a few others, such as down or up
- Uses meaningful jargon with inflection and emotion
18 - 24 months
- Names common objects
- Uses two or three prepositions such as on, in or under
- Uses noun + verb consistently
- Family understands about 75% of what child says
- Receptive and expressive vocabulary is about 150-300 words
- Rhythm and fluency of speech is still poor
- Uses I, me and you but may confuse "I and "me"
- Control of pitch and volume is poor
- My and mine emerge (with vengeance!)
- Follows commands, such as "Show me your nose."
24 - 30 months
- Uses I, you and me correctly
- Uses some plurals and past tense
- Knows principle body parts
- Uses three-word sentences
- Has about 900 words
- Family understands about 90% of what child says
- Verbs emerge quickly
- Understands and responds to questions dealing with immediate environment
- Tells about his experiences
- Can answer thinking questions, such as "What do you want when you're thirsty?"
- Gives name, age and gender
- Understands much more than she expresses
4 years
- Knows names of animals
- Uses at least four prepositions (in, on, under, out)
- Knows some colors
- Can repeat four digits when given slowly
- Can repeat a four-syllable word
- Knows contrasts such as larger and longer
- Follows directions when desired object is not in sight
- Repeats many words, phrases, syllables and sounds
- Loves make-believe and takes on multiple roles during play
- Talks extensively during play by himself or with others
5 years
- Uses adjectives and adverbs extensively in conversation
- Knows opposites such as on/off, big/little, heavy/light and hard/soft
- Counts to at least 10
- All speech should be intelligible, but articulation errors may still persist
- Can repeat sentences as long as nine words
- Can define common nouns such as shoe, chair, hat and bird